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Grounded through the Garden

It’s a sunny, spring Sunday afternoon in the Romero household with gentle pitter patters heard far above in the attic. Laughter is present in the air, reverberating throughout the walls of the house along with gentle conversation throughout the neighborhood as cyclers and dog walkers pass by on the sidewalk. Joy is present, the birds are chirping, the promise of summer laid ahead with hope. Children are whizzing by on scooters, I can hear the noise of a baseball hitting into a mitt, and the repetitive noises of springs from a trampoline that provide the light hearted atmosphere of the weekend. 

I grasp the cold ladder in both hands and begin the ascent up into the attic above our garage, where I find my husband and his sister from Puerto Rico listening to traditional Latino music and conversing on the technical details of building the floor. I sit cross-legged onto the secured wooden planks and enjoy the company of family and the benefits of being in the present with them without even being bothered by the hot, stifling attic temperature. I think of all that what could be over the years in this place, this house of our own. For now, the attic lays empty with possibility ahead of it and the promise of a shared life together in marriage. I feel grounded, I feel secured, I feel hopeful.

What can I contribute these old revisited feelings to? I have not felt truly myself for such a great time, that the last time I could remember my heart and soul being in this relaxed state is childhood growing up in my parent’s home. I believe through these tumultuous times and through the practice of new established routines and norms, I have found myself grounded again. Grounded like the structure and foundation of the home that my husband was contributing to this afternoon. Grounded like the sensation of bare feet on the earth, your fingertips in the soil, and seeing flowers and plants grow.

It’s important to focus on the positive of the situation to turn inwards onto the realm of the house, the family relationships, the building of the inner soul and self. It has been quite some time since society as a whole has been able to take a breath from the endless list of gatherings, events to attend, things to complete on the to-do list by a certain deadline. We have been caught up in business, and with that comes less time to reflect, to think, to cherish what is in front of our eyes. I cannot remember the last time I had picked up a good read with pages skimming between my fingers, the last time I connected with the earth’s soil, the last time I enjoyed a good conversation with a neighbor without a time constraint or agenda. Through the deaths, the tragedies, the difficulty of this pandemic at hand, I still feel the love spreading and connecting others more than ever before. I think this is the Lord’s way to wake up us from this slumber we were in. I believe his love shines through by providing avenues and more opportunities to lead us back to him, to see him, to feel his presence. This is his way of showing me why love is... grounding

Feeling grounded into your own daily activities demonstrates the uplifting capabilities that taking it slow and changing priorities have on our life. For me, I have ventured into a new project of beginning a vegetable garden. A couple of weekends ago, I took a beginner kit from our local Blakes Farms and planted a variety of seeds into mini pots including cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, onions, etc. Since then, I have placed them on the windowsill and have been watering them daily. I quickly grew hopeful and excited upon waking one morning to see the sprouts shoot through the damp soil. This task is a reflection of what daily routines and habits can flourish into within all our lives. Now my husband, his sister, and I wake every day and peep our sleepy eyes alongside the windowsill, crouched down below to view the new growth of the seedlings.

Upon seeing my enthusiasm for this newfound activity within our household, my husband was generous and contributed his handy skills to building a two level raised garden bed for our patio. We placed the garden bed outdoors for now and are anticipating the warmer weather in a few weeks where we will be able to transplant the vegetables after hardening. I am blessed that he shows his love through acts of service and wanted to share his final product below.

In case you or your family are interested in venturing into a new adventure such as this one, here is the link we utilized that provides step-by-step instructions for the DIY project:

Overall with gardening, I acknowledge that I am a beginner in this project, ask for assistance from experienced gardeners when needed, and continue to research in order to provide optimal care for the plants! This is exactly what we need to do with ourselves as well. Acknowledge we don’t know it all when it comes to this pandemic and what we need to be doing everyday, ask for help mentally or physically from a friend, family, or neighbors when you feel like it is too much, and continue to learn and trial what works best for you during these passing days.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but for now enjoy the growth through this time of spring renewal. We are isolated, but not alone and learning new ways to adapt and go about our days. I would love to hear your thoughts as you navigate your own “new” norms during these last few weeks of the stay at home order. What helps you feel grounded?

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