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How to Keep it Real Running a Business with Your Spouse

For those of you who haven't seen our small business page, Romero Designs Shop, my husband and I began a new adventure this past year 2020 (during the first wave of COVID) to start our own shop based out of our home. With increased time from my husband working from home and my reduced quota, we begin to brainstorm on projects we could complete with our laser engraver located in our basement. Who would be that crazy to start a small business with their spouse? Call us dreamers, but that's us.

Over the past year, we have enjoyed the start up process of technical details, creative expansion, and division of roles. However, that did not come without some small arguments within the household over truly simple things. That is why after researching and taking some time, I found it helpful to share the following top recommendations to implement when working together with your spouse or significant other:

  1. Divide and Conquer

In your personal lives, you may have a very casual division of labor in the household (say, one cooks dinner and the other helps with dishes and cleaning up), but it’s critical that you don’t let that stretch into your business life. Having specific roles and responsibilities is key and you must ensure your team members know who the ultimate decision-maker is to keep productivity flowing.

As owners and spouses, you must be committed when you divide the duties and then hold each other accountable. For example, my husband takes charge of physical creation and carryout of all products with management of shipping, whereas I assume the responsibility of marketing and customer service on orders. Knowing our place in the business helps us to work cohesively and not step on each other's toes by trying to complete the same job on an order.

2. Set Time Aside

We have learned the importance of setting time aside to discuss solely the ideas, operations, and specific to-dos in regards to our business that allows us to channel our attention and focus. It isn't very helpful to discuss strategies for completion of orders or new ideas when I am trying to leave home in the morning in preparation to go treat patients or when my husband is nearing a conference call. We understand the value of setting time aside for only the business to increase our attention and productivity.

While we obviously talk throughout the week about what’s happening, we save important conversations for our meeting time together. We never discuss it over dinner or while trying to complete other chores around the household.

3. Create your own space

Have your own working space and routine. Just because you work together doesn’t mean you have to be together all day long, as that could be a recipe for disaster in the long run. While that may seem odd, it helps us as a couple stay focused on our specific tasks and responsibilities and is ultimately more productive for both of us. This can easily be applied for couples working together in the same household during this quarantine period due to COVID. Find and create your own space and you will both feel more refreshed when meeting back up later in the day.

4. Time for you as a couple

It is easy to get swept up within our full time jobs, our to-do lists around the house (owning a house you will never not find something to fix or do), or managing our small business online. However, don't forget to truly take out all distractions of social media and technology to tune out and focus on you two as a couple. Keep that flame going and keep doing date nights, even if they need to be at home during quarantine. The attention given to you two as you can relax in your roles as husband and wife will reap the benefits of emotional connection and relaxation needed for work-life balance. Don't forget about the two people who started your relationship and always try to carve out time just for them to reconnect.

5. Set Boundaries

Set ground rules about how business decisions will be made to help avoid stress and strain on your marriage. For you and your spouse to be successful in your home business, honest communication is crucial. Set up boundaries and clear expectations in the beginning on your goals and expectations for the business so you both are on the same page moving forward to reduce risk for future conflict.

6. Celebrate Together

Celebrate the small things, the large things, the downfalls that challenge you to re-assess and try a new approach, or the wins! Celebrate the milestones.

Appreciate your unique relationship position. The entrepreneurial lifestyle can be intense and having someone to share it with helps make it more manageable, but also rewarding. Sharing your passion for the business with the one you love can be powerful. When working with your spouse, remember that your professional success is tied to the same principles of personal success: You need to be true partners in order to thrive and prosper!


Overall, this is why I believe that following these top suggestions from my perspective after working with my husband for some time now will allow you to understand why love is...running a business with your spouse. Good luck out there and report back to me on things that work and/or haven't worked for you during your time together in a business or just at home during quarantine. I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic.

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